An upcoming Tamil film combines horror, action, and comedy as a group of people get trapped in a strange theater, uncovering hidden secrets and questioning their reality, promising a unique and entertaining experience introducing talented YouTube stars to the big screen. Odavum Mudiyadhu Oliyavum Mudiyadhu is a 2023 Tamil-language Comedy Horror movie featuring Yaashika Aanand, Charukesh, Senathipathi Dharma, Gopi, Harija, Ashiq Hussain and Sudhakar. Odavum Mudiyadhu Oliyavum Mudiyadhu was released on 19th January 2024.
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Odavum Mudiyadhu Oliyavum Mudiyadhu Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 45%
Smitha Joseph
The film is power-packed with its excellent performances, stunning visuals, and unique plot. ( Read More )