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Naayak Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 61%
James Kendrick
Having first gained international acclaim for his Apu Trilogy (Pather Panchali, 1955; Aparajito , 1956; and Apu Sansar, 1959), which followed the growth from childhood to young adulthood of a boy from a poor village in West Bengal, he spent much of the 1960s making a series of films that challenged traditional Indian notions of femininity. ( Read More )
Pat Graham
Satyajit Rays 1966 feature comes at the tail end of his early realist period, which included most of the films that won him his reputation in the West. ( Read More )
Nicholas Bell
Both a time capsule of nostalgia and a retroactive indictment on the mutated perversions of expected celebrity/infamy as concerns contemporary zeitgeist heavyweights, Ray accomplishes a quiet, introspective road trip around a meaningful conversation on an otherwise innocuous journey to New Delhi. ( Read More )
David Harris
Taking place mainly on a train journey from Kolkata to Delhi, The Hero like many of Rays films is an elegant contemplation on the human condition and the myriad of emotions it entails. ( Read More )
John A. Nesbit
Without resorting to a cheap sexual encounter, Ray deftly guides the pair through a sensitive restrained relationship that is quite poignant... ( Read More )