A dissatisfied middle-aged man named Bill Anderson seeks financial independence from his father-in-law by buying a doughnut franchise, but his life takes a turn when he becomes a mentor to a teenager, discovers his wifes affair, and works on improving himself. Meet Bill is a 2008 American English-language Comedy Drama movie starring Aaron Eckhart, Jessica Alba, Elizabeth Banks, Timothy Olyphant, Logan Lerman, Holmes Osborne and Cher Scarlett. Meet Bill was Produced by Fisher Stevens and John Penotti. Meet Bill is written by Melisa Wallack and directed by Bernie Goldmann and Melisa Wallack. First Look International acquired the distribution rights for the film. Meet Bill was released on 18th June 2008 and takes a screen time of 97 minutes. Meet Bill was made on a budget of $5 million and at the box office it grossed only $0 million. Cinematography was done by Peter Lyons Collister and editing by Greg Hayden and Nick Moore. The music was composed by Edward Shearmur.
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Meet Bill Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Positive Review Rating : 25%
Josh Rosenblatt
Its message may be old and tired trust yourself and find your inner child but its expressed with a whole lot of enthusiasm. ( Read More )
Colin Covert
With two first time directors, the performances are all over the lot. ( Read More )
Loren Lankford
Even a hilarious turn by Kristen Wiig as the owner of a doughnut company cant save this cliched, meandering story from playing like American Beauty lite. ( Read More )
Mark Olsen
A look at the Laugh Factorys Comedy Camp, which for more than 30 years has offered a place for at risk kids and otherwise to try their hand at stand up, gain confidence and in the case of alum Tiffany Haddish success. ( Read More )
Pete Hammond
Even though the script lets him down often Eckhart effortlessly rises above some mediocre material to create a three dimensional portrait of a man drowning in his own frustration. ( Read More )