This 30-minute origin story follows the journey of Hundred Eyes, a skilled fighter turned blind who serves Kublai Khan, as it explores the challenges he faces and the events that shape him into a lethal assassin responsible for training Marco Polo. Marco Polo: One Hundred Eyes is a 2015 Italian-language Action Drama movie featuring Tom Wu, Lorenzo Richelmy, Olivia Cheng, Claudia Kim, Masayoshi Haneda, Sean Kenin and Marcus Mok. Marco Polo: One Hundred Eyes is written by John Fusco and directed by Alik Sakharov. Marco Polo: One Hundred Eyes was released on 26th December 2015.
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Marco Polo: One Hundred Eyes Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 50%
David Griffin
In the tradition of television holiday specials, Netflix has blessed its fans with a well crafted 30 minute backstory in Marco Polo: One Hundred Eyes. One of the most beloved characters from season 1 gets a well deserved origin story. ( Read More )