Nancy, a journalist, meets Jessica on a train in London, pretends to be her blind date, and ultimately falls for Jessicas actual date, Jack, but their relationship is tested when Nancys stalker resurfaces, leading to arguments, reconciliations, lost belongings, encounters with Jacks soon-to-be-ex-wife and her lover, a prank on the ex, Nancys parents anniversary party, and a heartfelt moment between Nancy and Jack culminating in a kiss. Man Up is a 2015 English-language Comedy Drama motion picture featuring Lake Bell, Simon Pegg, Rory Kinnear, Ken Stott, Harriet Walter, Olivia Williams and Maya Henson. Man Up was Produced by James Biddle, Nira Park and Rachel Prior. Man Up is written by Tess Morris and directed by Ben Palmer. StudioCanal acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Man Up was released on 29th May 2015 and takes a screen time of 88 minutes. The film made a box office gross of $0 million. Cinematography was done by Andrew Dunn and editing by Paul Machliss. The music was composed by Dickon Hinchliffe.
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Man Up Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 43%
Donald Strohman
Youre not going to watch it expecting some profound shift in the entire romance brand, youre putting on this movie because you want to see Simon Pegg and Lake Bell be funny and cute together, and thats exactly what the film accomplishes. ( Read More )
John DeFore
Bells Nancy isnt just failing at romance, shes disappointed with herself in most respects. ( Read More )
Nathan Rabin
Bell and Pegg are utterly defeated by a screenplay that favours plot over characterization to an almost surreal, parodic degree. ( Read More )
Camilla Long
Man Up is so far from selling anything, I began to wonder if it was some kind of audience test or scientific experiment: how many undesirable characters and situations can we get into a single film ( Read More )
Jenni Miller
Although Man Up doesnt quite break from tradition lets not even talk about the sexist title, okay its leaps and bounds beyond what most grossly stilted American rom coms offer. ( Read More )