A former student named Chintakindi Mallesham creates a groundbreaking device called the Asu machine that revolutionizes the weaving industry, improving the lives of weavers and boosting productivity. Mallesham is a 2019 Indian Telugu-language Biography Drama movie featuring Jhansi, Ananya Nagalla, Ananda Chakrapani, Chakrapani Ananda, Jagadish Pratap Bhandari, Anvesh Michael and Gangavva. Studio 99 was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Daggubati Suresh Babu, Madhura Sreedhar Reddy, Raj Rachakonda and Sri Adhikari. The film is written and directed by Raj Rachakonda. Suresh Productions acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Mallesham was released on 21st June 2019. The Film was successful at box office. Mallesham was made on a budget of ₹2 crore and it was a super hit at box office gross of ₹5 crore. Cinematography was done by Balu Sandilyasa and editing by Raghavender V. The music was composed by Mark K. Robin.
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