In a small steel mill company town in 1991, Masamune Kikuiri and his classmates are isolated after an explosion at the mill, leading to a discovery about the towns unreal existence and a quest to return a wild child-like girl to the real world, ultimately finding closure as Masamunes possible wife revisits their past. maboroshi is a 2023 Japanese-language Animation Drama film featuring Junya Enoki, Reina Ueda, Misaki Kuno, Zeke Alton, Felecia Angelle, Kirsten Day and Valerie Rose Lohman. maboroshi was released on 15th September 2023.
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maboroshi Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 53%
Charles Hartford
In other cases, many choices end in pain, and people are hurt, though it doesnt last. ( Read More )
JK Sooja
Also painfully slow, melodramatic, and long, this perplexing drama will make most viewers feel like they are also frozen in time. ( Read More )
Elijah Gonzalez
Part elegy and part celebration of the past, it makes for an evocative, unusual ghost tale. ( Read More )
Brittany Vincent
It doesnt immediately come out and explain itself nor exactly whats going on, and doesnt hold your hand. ( Read More )
Mariló Delgado
Maboroshi is a cerebral film, with a continuous tone of nostalgia that (honestly) has to catch you in the right frame of mind so it doesnt leave you wrecked and feeling like a stew. ( Read More )