A middle-class couple in a small Indian town face the consequences of hitting a deceased child in a funeral procession on their motorbike and being stalked by two goons seeking revenge in the Marathi comedy-drama Limited Manuski. Limited Manuski is a 1995 Marathi-language Comedy Drama film starring Abir, Pramila Bedekar, Vandana Handa, Sudhir Joshi, Kishore Kadam, Rajit Kapoor and Ganesh Yadav. Limited Manuski is written by Nachiket Jayoo and Milind Chatanvis and it is directed by Jayoo Patwardhan and Nachiket Patwardhan. Limited Manuski was released on 1st January 1995.
Jini Score 4.0/10
Rating 8.3/10
Jini Score 4.0%
Rating 8.3
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Date01 JAN 1995
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