Kushti is a comedic Indian film centered around the wrestling match in a small village and the competition for trusteeship and love. Kushti is a 2010 Indian Hindi-language Comedy Drama film starring Dalip Singh Rana, Rajpal Yadav, Om Puri, Sharat Saxena, Manoj Joshi, Nargis Bagheri and Nagesh Bhonsle. Incorporated Television Company in association with HBO Pictures. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Bharat S Shah and Girish Jain. Kushti is written by Manisha Korde, Rajeev Kumar and Samee Siddiqui and it is directed by Rajeev Kumar and T.k. Rajeev Kumar. Venus Records & Tapes acquired the distribution rights for the film. Kushti was released on 14th May 2010 and takes a screen time of 121 minutes. Kushti was made on a budget of ₹6 crore and at the box office it grossed only ₹39 lakh. Editing was done by B. Ajithkumar. The music was composed by Sreenivas along with Sharreth.
Jini Score 2.3/10
Rating 4.4/10
Jini Score 2.3%
Rating 4.4
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Date14 MAY 2010
Budget₹ 6 CRORES
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