A woman with mafia connections seeks revenge after being betrayed and left for dead, discovering along the way that she has supernatural powers and must confront darker forces to save her soul. Killing Joan is a 2018 English-language Action Crime film featuring Jamie Bernadette, Teo Celigo, Erik Aude, David Carey Foster, Daniel Gardner, Dion Basco and Anjelia Pelay. Killing Joan was released on 3rd April 2018.
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Killing Joan Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Matthew Roe
This endurance test cannot even qualify for the so bad its good category, as even its lackluster elements exuding undiluted badness arent easy to enjoy. ( Read More )
Jeffrey Lyles
The final act starts off confusing and doesnt make any sense as it plays out. ( Read More )
James Hanton
There is some comment about femininity to be made in how Joan is markedly different to every other woman in the film, but it is underdeveloped and never emerges from the shadows of the movies poor execution. ( Read More )