An Indian action thriller about NSG Captain Shyam, who leads the Black Cat Commando team in protecting a family with a tragic history from terrorists. Kashmeeram is a 1994 Indian Malayalam-language Action Thriller movie featuring Suresh Gopi, Priya Raman, Lalu Alex, Krishna Kumar, Tej Sapru, Ratheesh Rajagopal and Suresh Merlin. Revathy Kalamandhir was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Menaka. Kashmeeram is written by A.k. Sajan and A. K. Sajan and it is directed by Rajiv Anchal. Kashmeeram was released on 1st January 1994. Cinematography was done by Saloo George and editing by N. Gopalakrishnan. The music was composed by M. G. Radhakrishnan along with S. P. Venkatesh.
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