Karz Chukana Hai

2012 - HINDI - MOVIE

Romance Thriller

Karz Chukana Hai is an Indian crime film that tells the story of a bodyguard who falls in love with the daughter of the family he is protecting, while uncovering their shady dealings and rivalries with a gangster. Karz Chukana Hai is a 2012 Hindi-language motion picture featuring Govinda and Juhi Chawla. Shivam Chitrya was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Vimal Kumar. Karz Chukana Hai is written by Kader Khan and directed by Vimal Kumar. The film has a running time of 165 min. The screenplay for the movie was written by Gyandev Agnihotri. Cinematography was done by Anil Dhanda and editing by Prakash Dave. The music was composed by Rajesh Roshan.

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Release Date2012


Romance , Thriller

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