An Indian crime drama film follows four outlaws from Bihar on a mission in Mumbai where their plan takes an unexpected turn when one member has a change of heart, exploring themes of conscience, redemption, and the consequences of choices. Jeena Hai Toh Thok Daal is a 2012 Indian Hindi-language Drama Action film featuring Ravi Kishen, Yashpal Sharma, Rahul Kumar, Manish Vatsalya, Hazel Crowney, Ravi Kishan Shukla and Mukesh Bhatt. Jeena Hai Toh Thok Daal was Produced by Yogiraj Shetty and Aparna Hoshing. Jeena Hai Toh Thok Daal is written by Saurabh Choudhary and Manish Vatsalya and it is directed by Manish Vatsalya. Jeena Hai Toh Thok Daal was released on 14th September 2012. Jeena Hai Toh Thok Daal was made on a budget of ₹4 crore and at the box office it grossed only ₹48 lakh. The screenplay for the movie was written by Saurabh Choudhary. Cinematography was done by Neelaabh Kaul and editing by Nipun Ashok Gupta. The music was composed by Shadaab - Abhik along with Siddhant Madhav.
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Jeena Hai Toh Thok Daal Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
OVERALL Nothing, absolutely nothing really makes you revisit this album. ( Read More )