The story follows a determined boy named Jattu who faces societal pressures and his fathers doubts as he strives to pursue his dreams and make a difference in a non-traditional field, showcasing the resilience and obstacles individuals face in chasing their aspirations. Jattu Nikhattu is a 2023 Punjabi-language Biography Comedy movie featuring Harwinder Singh Aujla, Shamsher Dhillon, Satish Kaul, Divjyot Kaur, Bob Khehra, Tarsem Paul and Vijay Tandon. Jattu Nikhattu was released on 4th August 2023.
Jini Score 9.0/10
Rating 9.0/10
Jini Score 9.0%
Rating 9.0
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Date04 AUG 2023
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