A married couple seeks excitement by playing a week-long game, but their decision threatens their marriage and forces them to confront their fears and insecurities as they fight against each other, ultimately determining the future of their relationship. Irada Pakka is a 2010 Indian Marathi-language Comedy Drama motion picture starring Siddharth Jadhav, Sonalee Kulkarni, Mohan Joshi, Minal Bal, Smita Jaykar, Nirmala Kotnis and Gouri Konge. Irada Pakka was Produced by Smita Meghe. Irada Pakka is written by Nimish Datt and Omkar M. Datt and it is directed by Kedar Shinde. Irada Pakka was released on 23rd April 2010. The music was composed by Nilesh Mohril along with Pankaj And Pushkar Mahabal.
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