Inthi Namma Bhaira is an uplifting movie that emphasizes the significance of education and empathy in a rural area of Karnataka, following the journey of a determined young boy named Bhaira. Inthi Nimma Bhaira is a 2019 Kannada-language Drama Romance motion picture starring Sanju Basayya, Bangalore Nagesh, Sunetra Pandit, Sunethra Pandith, Pragathi and Aryan Venkatesh. Inthi Nimma Bhaira was released on 19th July 2019.
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Inthi Nimma Bhaira Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
There is a little love story on the sidelines, intended to keep the audience entertained. However, you are left with a story that you have probably heard before, presented in a different version ( Read More )