A group of survivors of a nuclear apocalypse fights for survival against mutants, navigating the dangers of radiation exposure and scarce resources while dealing with the emotional toll of their situation. In the Year 2889 is a 1967 American English-language film. In the Year 2889 was Produced by John Attlee, Emile De Antonio, Terry Morrone and Orville Schell. The movie is directed by Emile De Antonio. Path America acquired the distribution rights for the film. In the Year 2889 was released on 15th October 1967 and takes a screen time of 104 minutes. Editing was done by Helen Levitt, Hannah Moreinis and Lynzee Klingman. The music was composed by Steve Addiss.
Jini Score 2.8/10
Jini Score 2.8%
In the Year 2889 Watch Online
Date15 OCT 1967
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