Doordarshan is a film about Sandeep, a computer engineer turned sports instructor, who overcomes obstacles to lead a schools football team to victory while finding a connection with a history teacher named Anuradha. Hip Hip Hurray is a 1984 Indian Hindi-language Drama Sport movie featuring Raj Kiran, Deepti Naval, Shafi Inamdar, Satish Anand, Ram Gopal Bajaj, Nikhil Bhagat and Raja Mitra. Prakash Jha Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Manmohan Shetty and Pradeep Uppoor. Hip Hip Hurray is written by Gulzar Kalra and directed by Prakash Jha. Hip Hip Hurray was released on 9th March 1984. Hip Hip Hurray was made on a budget of ₹12 lakh. The screenplay for the movie was written by Gulzar. Cinematography was done by Rajen Kothari and editing by Prakash Jha. The music was composed by Vanraj Bhatia along with Gulzar.
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