This animated movie depicts the life of Hanuman, the 11th rudra incarnation of Shiva, who possesses intelligence, strength, and divine powers, and goes on various adventures before finally receiving immortality and helping Lord Ram. Hanuman is a 2005 Indian Hindi-language Animation Drama motion picture featuring Manoj Pandey, Pawan Shukla, Sanket Jaiswal, Shahnawaz Pradhan, Chanddhar, Parminder Ghumman and Kinshuk Sen. Silvertoons in association with Percept Picture Company. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Percept Picture Company and Sahara One Motion Pictures. Hanuman is written by Bhring Tupkari, Milind Ukey, Sulekha Bajpai and Shantanu Ganesh Rode and it is directed by V.g. Samant, Milind Ukey and V. G. Samant. Sahara One Motion Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Hanuman was released on 21st October 2005. The Film was successful at box office. Hanuman was made on a budget of ₹3 crore and it was a hit at box office gross of ₹5 crore. Editing was done by Huzefa Lokhandwala. The music was composed by Tapas Relia.
Jini Score 10.0/10
Critics Score 35%
Rating 7.9/10
Jini Score 10.0%
Critics Score 35
Rating 7.9
Hanuman Watch Online
Date21 OCT 2005
Budget₹ 3 CRORES
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Hanuman Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 35%
Namrata Joshi
Its because animation films dont just need the sketches and cartoons but compelling stories and rounded characters as well. ( Read More )