Haapus is a Marathi film about a young man who challenges the traditional practice of mango farmers and faces opposition from his astrologer father, while also introducing a new breed of mangoes that becomes a source of income for the region, with the story further developing when a school teacher joins their family. Haapus is a 2010 Indian Marathi-language Comedy motion picture starring Makarand Anaspure, Subodh Bhave, Madhura Velankar, Shivaji Satam, Pushkar Shrotri, Amit Abhyankar and Manasi Magikar. Haapus was Produced by Sanjay Chhabria and Abhijeet Satam. Haapus is written by Saurabh Bhave, Subodh Khanolkar and Sanjay Pawar and it is directed by Abhijeet Satam. Haapus was released on 25th June 2010. Cinematography was done by Rahul Jadhav and editing by Rahul Bhatankar. The music was composed by Salil Kulkarni.
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