The story follows the challenges faced by Mohan, a middle-class man, including tension in his family due to his sisters marriage, struggles at work due to language barriers and his snoring problem, and the impact on his relationship with Anu, an orphan, leading to their reconciliation and acceptance of Mohans snoring. Good Night is a 2023 Indian Tamil-language Comedy Drama film featuring K. Manikandan, Meetha Raghunath, Ramesh Thilak, Raichal Rabecca, Bagavathi Perumal, Meetha Ragunath and Uma Ramachandran. Good Night was Produced by Yuvaraj Ganesan, Magesh Raj Pasilian and Nazerath Pasilian. The motion picture is written and directed by Vinayak Chandrasekaran. Shakthi Film Factory acquired the distribution rights for the film. Good Night was released on 12th May 2023. Cinematography was done by Jayanth Sethu Mathavan and editing by Barath Vikraman. The music was composed by Sean Roldan.
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Good Night Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 61%
Vinayak Chandrasekaran succeeds in this because he doesnt try too hard, and thats what makes everything about this story highly compelling and at the same time quite accurate. ( Read More )
Vinayak Chandrasekarans film is filled with simple moments that turn sweet little nothings into a delightful comedy with huge emotional payoffs. ( Read More )
The drama gets melodramatic and the characters dont get a convincing redemption. ( Read More )
While Mohan doesnt hesitate to vent about everything that goes wrong for him, Anu would choose to suffer than open up to someone. ( Read More )
The beauty is that the story doesnt stick only to it, characters and situations are very well written for us to empathize with the on going drama. ( Read More )