An orphan named Shyam causes heartbreak in a family who took him in when he decides to run away instead of marrying Radha. Geet Gaata Chal is a 1975 Indian Hindi-language Comedy Drama film featuring Madan Puri, Sachin Dev Burman, Sarika Thakur, Urmila Bhatt, Padma Khanna, Manher Desai and Sachin Pilgoankar. The movie is inspired from Atithi by Rabindranath Tagore. Fireworks Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Tarachand Barjatya. Geet Gaata Chal is written by Vrajendra Gaur and Ravindra Jain and it is directed by Hiren Nag. Rajshri Productions acquired the distribution rights for the film. Geet Gaata Chal was released on 1st July 1975. Cinematography was done by Anil Mitra and editing by Mukhtar Ahmed. The music was composed by Ravindra Jain.
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