Galate Aliyandru, a Kannada language film released in 2000, follows the story of a young man who runs away from home to avoid an arranged marriage but later falls in love with the same girl without realizing their past connection, highlighting the issue of young people avoiding responsibilities imposed by their families. Galate Aliyandru is a 2000 Indian Kannada-language Drama Comedy movie featuring Shiva Rajkumar, Sakshi Shivanand, S. Narayan, Shivarajkumar, Tara Anuradha, Dipti Bhatnagar and Thara. The movie is inspired from Ullathai Allitha. Chennambika Films was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Anitha Kumaraswamy. The movie is written and directed by S. Narayan. Galate Aliyandru was released on 29th September 2000 and takes a screen time of 160 minutes. Cinematography was done by R. Giri and editing by P. R. Soundar Raj. The music was composed by Deva.
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