Freddy Got Fingered
An unemployed cartoonist named Gord leaves home to pursue his dream of creating an animated TV series, facing constant criticism and setbacks along the way, but eventually finds success and returns home a hero after being kidnapped for 18 months. Freddy Got Fingered is a 2001 American English-language Comedy film featuring Tom Green, Rip Torn, Marisa Coughlan, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Harland Williams, Anthony Michael Hall and Mark Heenehan. Regency Enterprises was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Larry Brezner, Howard Lapides and Lauren Lloyd. Freddy Got Fingered is written by Tom Green, Derek Harvie, Larry Brezner, Marc S. Fischer, Howard Lapides, Lauren Lloyd and Arnon Milchan and it is directed by Tom Green. 20th Century Fox acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Freddy Got Fingered was released on 20th April 2001 and takes a screen time of 87 minutes. Freddy Got Fingered was made on a budget of $14 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $14 million. Cinematography was done by Mark Irwin and editing by Jacqueline Cambas. The music was composed by Mike Simpson.