Flee is an animated documentary that tells the life story of Amin Nawabi, an Afghan refugee who was forced to flee his homeland due to war and the threat of being drafted, and his journey as he settles down in Denmark with his partner Kasper. Flee is a 2021 Danish-language Documentary Animation movie starring Daniel Karimyar, Fardin Mijdzadeh, Milad Eskandari, Belal Faiz, Elaha Faiz, Zahra Mehrwarz and Peter Jennings. Flee was Produced by Monica Hellstr M, Signe Byrge S Rensen and Charlotte De La Gournerie. The movie is directed by Jonas Poher Rasmussen. Neon acquired the distribution rights for the film. Flee was released on 17th June 2021 and takes a screen time of 90 minutes. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. Flee was made on a budget of $3 million and at the box office it grossed only $0 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Jonas Poher Rasmussen and Amin Nawabi. Cinematography was done by Mauricio Gonzalez-Aranda and editing by Janus Billeskov Jansen. The music was composed by Uno Helmersson. At the 2021 Sundance Film Festival It won an award for World Cinema - Documentary.
Danish, Hindi, English, Dari, Russian, Swedish, French
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Flee Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 84%
John Paul King
Its a story that tugs at our heart, and while for most documentaries that might be a liability, in this case it makes the truth Rasmussen means to reveal shine through even more. ( Read More )
Stefan Pape
This powerful animated documentary, that is so full of compassion and empathy, is one of the most striking pieces of filmmaking witnessed for years. ( Read More )
James Marsh
I really appreciate how versatile it is in its craft. It works as an animated film just as well as it works as a documentary. It tells a compelling story in a really accessible and innovative way. ( Read More )
Flee is a remarkably humanising and complex film, expanding and expounding the kind of story thats too easily simplified. ( Read More )
Matthew Toomey
Flee is an incredibly moving film that highlights the emotional scars forever carried by refugees. ( Read More )