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Executive Decision Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 67%
Roger Ebert
(Why doesnt anybody ever poison the Western seaboard)Its the kind of thriller where its fun to chortle over the plot a movie for people who are sophisticated enough to know how shameless the film is, but fun loving enough to enjoy its excesses and manic zeal. ( Read More )
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
This film is an adrenalin pumping political thriller that doesnt let up from start to finish. ( Read More )
James Kendrick
A lot of the beats are a bit too familiar from previous entries in the series, which isnt surprising given that this is the fifth film to play off the idea that genetically recreated dinosaurs will eventually run amok if given enough time. ( Read More )
The international crisis setup is a tease, a way of making the movie look more complicated (and timely) than it is. ( Read More )
Mick LaSalle
Russell, Seagal Dont Quite Fly in Decision EXECUTIVE DECISION: Action. ( Read More )