The story follows Sameer, a corrupt police officer who engages in illegal activities with his childhood friend Jagga, and his live-in partner Renus mission to inspire him to change his ways, highlighting Sameers struggle to break free from his criminal life and his internal conflict between loyalty and the desire to live a righteous life, ultimately exploring themes of love, redemption, and the potential for transformation. Endcounter is a 2019 American Hindi-language Action Drama film starring Luke Hemsworth, Abhimanyu Singh, Prashant Narayanan, Mrinmai Kolwalkar, Rahul Jain, Abhimanyyu Abhimanyu and Meera Srivastava. Endcounter was Produced by Alok Shrivastava. The motion picture is written and directed by Alok Shrivastava and Paul J. Salamoff. Endcounter was released on 8th February 2019. The music was composed by Rahul Jain.
Jini Score 3.5/10
Rating 4.5/10
Jini Score 3.5%
Rating 4.5
Endcounter Watch Online
Date08 FEB 2019
English, Hindi
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Endcounter Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
A lengthy and dreary film, this one has a semblance of a story but the screenplay is a total drag. ( Read More )