The story follows Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis Presleys former manager, from his deathbed as he reflects on his tumultuous relationship with Elvis, his rise to stardom, and the subsequent exploitation and downfall of the legendary musician. Elvis is a 2022 English-language Biography Drama motion picture starring Austin Butler, Tom Hanks, Kodi Smit-mcphee, David Wenham, Dacre Montgomery, Olivia Dejonge and Shannon Sanders. Elvis was Produced by Baz Luhrmann. Elvis is written by Craig Pearce and Baz Luhrmann and it is directed by Baz Luhrmann. Elvis was released on 23rd June 2022. The Film was successful at box office. Elvis was made on a budget of $85 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $288 million.
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Elvis Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 40%
But it isnt impossible to see the appeal of placing an iconoclastic anti authoritarian like Elvis in the shadow of the man who controlled him. ( Read More )
The zany excesses of Elvis just arent enough to cover over the paint by numbers idolatry. ( Read More )
Cannes Film Festival) The Dardennes dont announce all this upfront. ( Read More )
Thankfully, it doesnt, but that breakneck speed doesnt leave much time to emotionally take stock of certain major events, such as the death of Elvis beloved mother, Gladys (a melancholy, anxious Helen Thomson). ( Read More )
Not so shockingly, Elvis the Pelvis doesnt play well in the conservative Bible Belt of the South. ( Read More )