The documentary follows a herd of African elephants led by matriarchs Gaia and Shani as they migrate to a grassy paradise and back while facing various challenges along the way. Elephant is a 2020 American English-language Documentary Adventure motion picture featuring Meghan Markle in the title role. Disneynature was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Roy Conli, Vanessa Berlowitz and Mark Linfield. The movie is directed by Mark Linfield and Vanessa Berlowitz. Disney+ acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Elephant was released on 3rd April 2020 and takes a screen time of 86 minutes. The motion picture made a box office gross of $0 million. Cinematography was done by Martyn Colbeck, Mike Holding and Tom Walker and editing by Nigel Buck. The music was composed by Ramin Djawadi.
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Elephant Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 67%
Owen Gleiberman
Yet Elephant, which will drop on Disney Plus on April 3, still feels like an hour long safari thats been padded out to 85 minutes. ( Read More )
Theyve taken a classic (the classic, I think) and theyve battered it senseless and, boy, does it stink. ( Read More )
That Van Sant would choose the particularly painful and recent horrors of Columbine and its awful offshoots isnt a surprise per se, either. ( Read More )
Peter Bradshaw
Its a technically impressive work with some lovely images and a bit of a sugary taste. ( Read More )
81mins In recent years Gus Van Sants erratic career has had all the hallmarks ofan amnesiac desperately seeking clues to his true identity. ( Read More )