A lower-caste boy overcomes hardships and poverty to achieve success through hard work and dedication. Dusari Goshta is a 2014 Indian Marathi-language Drama motion picture featuring Vikram Gokhale, Prateeksha Lonkar, Renuka Shahane, Sandeep Mehta, Neha Pendse, Siddharth Chandekar and Poorvi Bhave. Dusari Goshta was Produced by Dr Shailaja Gaikwad, Manjiri Hete and Prasad Mahadkar. Dusari Goshta is written by Ajit and Prashant Dalvi and it is directed by Chandrakant Kulkarni. Dusari Goshta was released on 5th May 2014. The music was composed by Ashok Patki along with Mangesh Dhakde.
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