Devil Rider!


Action Drama

Two films involve dangerous situations and complex relationships, one featuring friends terrorized by a demon seeking to consume human flesh, and the other, a mother hiring a private detective to track down her daughter who joined a biker gang. Devil Rider! is a 1970 English-language Action Drama motion picture starring Christopher Lee, Charles Gray, Nik Arrighi, Leon Greene, Patrick Mower, Gwen Ffrangcon-davies and Heros Of Cranberry Farm. The movie is inspired from The Devil Rides Out 1934 novel by Dennis Wheatley. Associated British-Path in association with Hammer Film Productions and Seven Arts Productions. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Anthony Nelson Keys. The movie is directed by Terence Fisher. Warner-Path acquired the distribution rights for the film. Devil Rider! was released on 31st December 1969 and takes a screen time of 95 minutes. Devil Rider! was made on a budget of £0 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Richard Matheson. Cinematography was done by Arthur Grant and editing by Spencer Reeve. The music was composed by James Bernard.
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Release Date31 DEC 1969



Action , Drama

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