A man convicted of his wifes murder is visited by a reporter, and years later, a detective tries to uncover the identity of an amnesiac woman who resembles the murdered wife, leading to a revelation that the detective is actually the murdered wife and the true killer is a hypnotherapist. Dead Again is a 1991 American English-language Crime Drama film featuring Kenneth Branagh, Andy Garcia, Derek Jacobi, Hanna Schygulla, Emma Thompson, Robin Williams and Anthony Welch. Dead Again was Produced by Lindsay Doran. Dead Again is written by Scott Frank, Jonathan Glassner, Tom Ashe, Jane Atkins, David Levinson, Andrew Sipes, Jerry Beck, Danny Lee Cole, Bill Froehlich, Todd Trotter, Paul M. Belous, Bruce Cervi, Ann Donahue, Carleton Eastlake, Jay Huguely, Naomi Janzen, David Kemper, Steven Long Mitchell, Vivienne Radkoff, I.c. Rapoport, Barry M. Schkolnick, Craig W. Van Sickle, John Whelpley and Ed Zuckerman and it is directed by Kenneth Branagh, David Winning and Brenton Spencer. Paramount Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the film. Dead Again was released on 23rd August 1991 and takes a screen time of 108 minutes. The Film was successful at box office. Dead Again was made on a budget of $15 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $38 million. Cinematography was done by Matthew F. Leonetti and editing by Peter E. Berger. The music was composed by Patrick Doyle.
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Dead Again Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 73%
Owen Gleiberman
Dead Again is certainly entertaining its one of the most pleasurable movies Ive seen this year yet it never pretends to be more than a farfetched piece of hokum.Thats its charm. ( Read More )
Roger Ebert
The screenplay, by Scott Frank, is old fashioned (if you will allow that to be a high compliment). ( Read More )
Variety Staff
Director and star Kenneth Branagh brings the same zest and bravura style to this actors romp of a mystery thriller as he did to Henry V. ( Read More )
Geoff Andrew
Branaghs lame stab at a romantic psychological thriller makes no sense. ( Read More )
Angie Errigo
The mixture of gritty noir and supernatural shenanigans sits uneasily, but the film may simply be too bizarre to work at all. ( Read More )