A troubled teenager named Cole moves in with his father in Philadelphia, where he forms a bond with a wild horse named Boo, learns horse riding and stable work, and ultimately finds solace and strength in his fathers guidance after a tragedy befalls his cousin who was involved in drug dealing. Concrete Cowboy is a 2020 American English-language Drama Western film featuring Idris Elba, Caleb Mclaughlin, Jharrel Jerome, Byron Bowers, Lorraine Toussaint, Clifford method Man Smith and Sydney D. Denkins. The movie is inspired from Ghetto Cowboy by Greg Neri. Concrete Cowboy was Produced by Idris Elba, Tucker Tooley, Lee Daniels, Jeff Waxman and Dan Walser. The movie is directed by Ricky Staub. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Concrete Cowboy was released on 2nd April 2021 and takes a screen time of 111 minutes. Concrete Cowboy was made on a budget of $10 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Ricky Staub and Dan Walser. Cinematography was done by Minka Farthing-Kohl and editing by Luke Ciarrocchi. The music was composed by Kevin Matley.
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Concrete Cowboy Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 73%
M.N. Miller
Concrete Cowboy, for all its uniqueness, can be quite an ordinary film because of its predictable plot and character interactions. ( Read More )
Keith Garlington
Staub captures that unique essence even though the particulars of the story hes telling are nothing new. ( Read More )
Robert Levin
Builds an entire world in the span of one corner of North Philadelphia, bringing to vivid life this culture of urban cowboys and those struggling to preserve it. ( Read More )
Manuel São Bento
Everyone else offers decent displays, but the cast doesnt overcome the real issues with the film. ( Read More )
Frank Swietek
A familiar tale of a boy and his horse is... no less hokey in Philadelphia than it would be in Billings. It does, however, have an intriguing narrative backdrop. ( Read More )