

Action Comedy Drama Family Romance

The film revolves around two powerful step brothers in a village, with one of their cousins seeking help to escape an arranged marriage and ultimately leading to the resolution of a long-standing rivalry and the development of a deep bond and love between the protagonists. Brundavana is a 2013 Indian kannada-language Action Comedy film featuring Karthika Nair, Milana Nagaraj, Darshan Thoogudeep, Sai Kumar, Jai Jagdeesh, Sampath Raj and Prabhas Sreenu. Sri Seethabaireshwara Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Suresh Gowda. Brundavana is written by K. V. Raju and directed by K Madesh. Thoogudeepa Distributions acquired the distribution rights for the film. Brundavana was released on 26th September 2013. The screenplay for the movie was written by K. Madesh. Cinematography was done by Ramesh Babu and editing by K. M. Prakash. The music was composed by V. Harikrishna.
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Release Date26 SEP 2013



Action , Comedy , Drama , Family , Romance

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