Brothers in Law is a British comedy film about a newly qualified barrister and his challenges in court and at work. Brothers in Law is a 1957 English-language Comedy Crime movie starring Richard Attenborough, Ian Carmichael, Terry-thomas, Jill Adams, Miles Malleson, Henry B. Longhurst and Martin Voss. The movie is based on Brothers in Law by Henry Cecil. Brothers in Law was Produced by John Boulting. The movie is directed by Roy Boulting. British Lion Films acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Brothers in Law was released on 7th June 1957 and takes a screen time of 94 minutes. The screenplay for the movie was written by Roy Boulting, Jeffrey Dell and Frank Harvey Jr. Cinematography was done by Mutz Greenbaum and editing by Anthony Harvey. The music was composed by Benjamin Frankel.
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Brothers in Law Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 50%
Clyde Gilmour
An enjoyable British comedy about a bumbling young barristers first misadventures at the bar. ( Read More )