Born to Race is a story about a street racer named Danny who is sent to live with his father, a former NASCAR driver, and must race against local competitor Jake to gain acceptance in his new town. Born to Race is a 2012 American English-language Action Sport movie starring Joseph Cross, John Pyper-ferguson, Nicole Badaan, Brando Eaton, Sherry Stringfield, Spencer Breslin and Shawn Shultz. ESX Entertainment was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) George Shaimei, Ali Afshar and Chevonne O Shaughnessy. The movie is directed by Alex Ranarivelo. American Cinema International acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Born to Race was released on 6th October 2011 and takes a screen time of 98 minutes. The motion picture made a box office gross of $0 million.
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