Adriana Mena, a gifted ballerina, faces challenges and supernatural occurrences as jealousy and tensions rise among her fellow dancers during a performance, forcing her to confront her fears and distinguish between reality and the supernatural, all while battling external and internal forces and exploring themes of ambition, jealousy, and self-discovery. Bloody Ballet is a 2018 kannada-language Horror Thriller motion picture starring Caroline Williams, Debbie Rochon, Kendra Carelli, Katie Carpenter, Brett Wagner, David Schifter and Shane Terry. Bloody Ballet was released on 13th November 2018.
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Bloody Ballet Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 53%
James Perkins
As far as low budget horrors go, Bloody Ballet is one of the better films on the market. A wonderfully twisted blend of stunning visuals and terrific performances, it also serves as a great showcase of Brett Mullens ability as a director. ( Read More )
Eric Bartsch
Bloody Ballet is the kind of movie flying below the radar you kick yourself for missing as a genre fan or connoisseur of cinematic art. ( Read More )