A passionate photographer named Vishnu goes on a spontaneous road trip to discover new places and people, capturing their essence through his photographs, leaving the viewers intrigued about his purpose and motivations behind his journey. Bhavachitra is a 2022 Indian Kannada-language Mystery Thriller motion picture featuring Pratik Gandhi, Aindrita Ray, Ganavi Laxman, Girish Kumar B, Girish Bujji, Chakravarthy Reddy and Girish Bijjal. Bhavachitra was Produced by Vinayak Nadakarni, Dhaval Jayantilal Gada, Aksshay Jayantilal Gada, Parth Gajjar, Hardik Gajjar and Richa Amod Sachan. Bhavachitra is written by Girish Bijjal, Girish Kumar B and Hardik Gajjar and it is directed by Girish Kumar B and Hardik Gajjar. Bhavachitra was released on 18th February 2022 and takes a screen time of 114 minutes. The screenplay for the movie was written by Hardik Gajjar and Shreyes Anil Lowlekar. Cinematography was done by Chirantan Das and editing by Kannu Prajapati and Satya Sharma. The music was composed by Prasad Sashte.
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