Bhagat Singh Di Udeek is a Punjabi drama directed by Shivamm Sharma that chronicles the life of Bhagat Singh, his involvement in the Indian independence movement, and his unwavering spirit in the fight against British rule, serving as a tribute to his remarkable life and encouraging viewers to honor the sacrifices of freedom fighters. Bhagat Singh Di Udeek is a 2018 Indian Punjabi-language Drama movie featuring Parmish Verma, Sonam Bajwa, Kartar Cheema, Gurpreet Bhangu, Gurmeet Daman, Khushi Malhotra and Narvail Singh Bhullar. Sri Vijaya Bhatt Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Ajay Devgn, Bhushan Kumar and Krishan Kumar. Bhagat Singh Di Udeek is written by Babbar Gill and directed by Navaniat Singh. Panorama Studios International acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Bhagat Singh Di Udeek was released on 2nd February 2018. The screenplay for the movie was written by Dheeraj Rattan
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