Bee Movie


Animation Adventure Comedy

A bee, frustrated with his lack of job choice, discovers that humans have been stealing and eating bees honey for centuries and decides to sue them, eventually winning the case. Bee Movie is a 2007 American English-language Animation Adventure film featuring Jerry Seinfeld, Ren E Zellweger, Matthew Broderick, John Goodman, Patrick Warburton, Chris Rock and Charles Martinet. DreamWorks Animation in association with Columbus 81 Productions. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Jerry Seinfeld and Christina Steinberg. Bee Movie is written by Jerry Seinfeld, Spike Feresten, Barry Marder, Andy Robin, Chuck Martin and Tom Papa and it is directed by Simon J. Smith and Steve Hickner. Paramount Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Bee Movie was released on 7th November 2007 and takes a screen time of 91 minutes. The Film was successful at box office. Bee Movie was made on a budget of $150 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $293 million. Editing was done by Nick Fletcher. The music was composed by Rupert Gregson-williams.
worthwhile sporadic exciting imaginative disappointing
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Release Date07 NOV 2007
Budget$ 150 MILLION



Animation , Adventure , Comedy

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Bee Movie Reviews and Ratings

Average Review Rating : positive


Positive Review Rating : 67%

    • Jack Mathews

      The possibility of romance between the bug and the beauty is as improbable as Woody Allen hooking up with Elisabeth Shue (see: Deconstructing Harry), but the kid has ambition and more than that, a mission. ( Read More )
    • Steven Rea

      But it has enough buzzing wit and eye popping animation to win over the kids and probably more than a few parents, too. ( Read More )
    • Gary Thompson

      Thats not to say some of the diversions arent funny Chris Rock has a good one minute bit about a mosquito stuck on a windshield with Barry, and theres a wonderfully absurd joke about celebrity brand honey.That kind of humor (theres a cameo for Sting) gives the movie some of the all ages appeal of DreamWorks Shrek franchise, without the sledgehammer gags. ( Read More )
    • Dave White

      As it is, its pretty dull, has no sense of where it wants to go beyond a vague we need the bees environmental message and features not one single interestingly designed character neither human nor bee ish.And it wants me to feel guilty for putting honey in my tea ( Read More )
    • Paul Arendt

      What Bee Movie really lacks is a compelling hero. Seinfeld is essentially playing himself, so what we get is a stand up comedian in a black and yellow sweater. ( Read More )
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