Childhood sweethearts rekindle their relationship as a bandit and police officer, leading to the bandit turning his life around with the help of the officers love and understanding. Beadap is a 1996 Indian Bengali-language Action Drama film starring Anil Kapoor, Juhi Chawla, Arun Bandopadhyay, Nimu Bhowmick, Soma Chakraborty, Pallavi Chatterjee and Jagannath Guha. The movie is based on Velai Kidaichuduchu by P. Vasu. Narsimha Enterprises was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Surinder Kapoor and Boney Kapoor. Beadap is written by Dulal Bhowmik, Jalees Sherwani and P. Vasu and it is directed by Dulal Bhowmick and David Dhawan. Narsimha Enterprises acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Beadap was released on 31st December 1995. Cinematography was done by Rajan Kinagi and editing by A. Muthu. The music was composed by Anand Milind.
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