Balyakalasakhi is a heartfelt Malayalam film that depicts the pure and enduring love between childhood sweethearts, Majeed and Suhra, as they navigate through a nostalgic setting without modern technology. Balyakala Sakhi is a 2014 Indian Malayalam-language Romance Drama motion picture featuring Mammootty, Isha Talwar, Meena, Seema Biswas, Kpac Lalitha, Mamukkoya and Anaswara Ponnambath. The movie is inspired from Balyakalasakhi by Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. Red Cinema in association with Livinart Film Factory. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Mb Muhsin and Sajeeb Hashim. The motion picture is written and directed by Pramod Payyannur. Balyakala Sakhi was released on 6th February 2014. The screenplay for the movie was written by Pramod Payyannur. Cinematography was done by Hari Nair and editing by Manoj Kannoth. The music was composed by K. Raghavan along with K.raghavan, Shahabaz Aman and Bijibal.
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Balyakala Sakhi Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 35%
surprisingly, the movie seems to be 20 minutes less than its censored version. ( Read More )