The film depicts a respected superintendent and his inner circles descent into an embezzlement scandal, as they transform from admired educators to primary suspects, and explores the emotional impact on their loved ones and the consequences of sacrificing morals for personal gain. Bad Education is a 2020 English-language Biography Comedy film featuring Jack Whitehall, Harry Enfield, Mathew Horne, Sarah Solemani, Joanna Scanlan, Clarke Peters and Chris Senn Ii. The movie is based on Bad Education by Jack Whitehall. Bad Education was Produced by Mike Makowsky, Oren Moverman, Pippa Brown and Ben Cavey. Bad Education is written by Freddy Syborn and Jack Whitehall and it is directed by Elliot Hegarty. Entertainment Film Distributors acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Bad Education was released on 26th April 2020 and takes a screen time of 91 minutes. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released and became successful at box office. Bad Education was made on a budget of $5 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $40 million. Cinematography was done by Pete Rowe and editing by Peter Oliver. The music was composed by Vince Pope.
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Bad Education Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 61%
Once the story finally straightens out, Almodvar has pulled out the rug so many times that the tragic significance of all this deception doesnt register right away. ( Read More )
Besides, any man that handsome hes a dead ringer for P.T. Barnum! ( Read More )
When hes not getting plastic surgery or obsessively watching his cholesterol, hes steadfastly projecting a bulletproof confidence to students and faculty members alike.) ( Read More )
They dont ask the hard questions because they dont want to see their way of life changed. ( Read More )
A DVD extra tries to explain how they did the hits like a flying kung fu movie, but it doesnt say why. ( Read More )