The story revolves around Advocate Jayant, a criminal lawyer, who must navigate a complex web of moral dilemmas, tragedy, and personal vendetta as he fights for justice and tries to rescue his kidnapped daughter. Awaaz is a 1984 Indian Hindi-language Action Crime movie starring Rajesh Khanna, Jaya Prada, Rakesh Roshan, Amrish Puri, Suresh Oberoi, Madan Puri and Gurjinder Virk. Awaaz was Produced by Shakti Samanta. Awaaz is written by Rahul Dev Burman and directed by Shakti Samanta. Awaaz was released on 2nd November 1984. Cinematography was done by Alokedas Gupta and editing by Bijoy Chowdhary. The music was composed by Rahul Dev Burman along with R D Burman and Anand Bakshi.
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