A skilled archer confronts mercenaries who invade her home and kidnap her family, using her exceptional skills and determination to rescue them in a suspenseful battle for survival. Avarice is a 2022 Hindi-language Action Thriller motion picture starring Gillian Alexy, Luke Ford, Alexandra Nell, Ryan Panizza, Téa Heathcote-marks, Nick Atkinson and John Mcpherson. Avarice was released on 27th September 2022.
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Avarice Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 41%
Stephen Romei
A fast paced thriller that has enough surprises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. ( Read More )
Simon Foster
The moments that Soto and his pro team of contributors make work solid character acting, pacy action moments and arrow on antagonist payback make Avarice another mid budget milestone for the filmmaker. ( Read More )
Jim Schembri
A limply directed, sloppy and rather dreary wannabe thriller that is supposed to be full of tension and heart stopping action...Sadly, the patchy direction cant elicit believable performances or sustain any suspense or plausibility. ( Read More )