In a 1950s retro-futuristic setting, a television host presents a live production of Conrad Earps play, Asteroid City, which follows a war photojournalist named Augie and his children as they attend a youth astronomy convention in a fictional desert town where they meet an actress named Midge and fall in love, while a UFO appears and sparks a military quarantine, leading the convention honorees to use their inventions to communicate with the alien, all while the creation of the play is shown alongside the events within it, ultimately concluding with Conrad Earps death in a car accident and Augies family leaving Asteroid City. Asteroid City is a 2023 American English-language Comedy Drama film starring Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Jeffrey Wright, Tilda Swinton, Bryan Cranston and Deanna Dunagan. Asteroid City was Produced by Jeremy Dawson, Wes Anderson and Steven Rales. The movie is directed by Wes Anderson. Focus Features acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Asteroid City was released on 8th June 2023 and takes a screen time of 105 minutes. The Film was successful at box office. Asteroid City was made on a budget of $25 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $53 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Wes Anderson. Cinematography was done by Robert Yeoman and editing by Barney Pilling. The music was composed by Academy Award Oscar winner Alexandre Desplat.
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Asteroid City Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 78%
Shah Shahid
The quirky and odd story is supported by its massive star cast of amazing talent. ( Read More )
Jeffrey Peterson
The film uses a layered framing device thats meta at the same time. ( Read More )
Vincent Mancini
A brilliant movie about the Atomic Age trapped inside a dumb framing device about art. ( Read More )
David Griffiths
Stanley doesnt much care for Augie and cant believe his son in law hasnt told the children that his wife (their mother) has passed away. ( Read More )
Alejandro Turdo
Asteroid City may not be at Tenenbaums, Rushmore or Zissou level, but it is still a joyful take on sensitive topics such as nostalgia, loss and melancholy, beautifully enhanced by Andersons personal and crafty style. ( Read More )