The story revolves around a forest officers investigation into the killings of local tribals by a tiger, and his discovery that the violence is caused by a group of individuals, while also tackling caste issues and dealing with the aftermath of his actions. Aranyakanda is a 1987 Indian Telugu-language Action Crime film starring Ashwini, Rajendra Prasad, Nagarjuna Akkineni, Tulasi, Annapurna, Charan Raj and Srilakshmi. Ushodaya Enterprises was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) C. Penchal Reddy. Aranyakanda is written by Ganapathi Rao Kommanapalli, Kranthi Kumar and Ganesh Patro and it is directed by Kranthi Kumar. Aranyakanda was released on 1st January 1987 and takes a screen time of 170 minutes. Cinematography was done by Hari Anumolu and editing by B. Krishnam Raju. The music was composed by Chakravarthy.
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