A cellular biology professor, Lena, undergoes an interrogation following her return from the mysterious Shimmer zone, where she joined an expedition and encountered mutated life forms, only to later discover that the Shimmer distorts DNA and transforms its surroundings, leading to a perilous encounter with a faceless being created from her own DNA that leaves her unsure of her husbands true identity. Annihilation is a 2018 English-language Adventure Drama motion picture featuring Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, Tuva Novotny, Oscar Isaac and Kirk Bowett. The movie is inspired from Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer. Annihilation was Produced by Allon Reich, Andrew Macdonald, Scott Rudin and Eli Bush. The movie is directed by Alex Garland. Paramount Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Annihilation was released on 12th March 2018 and takes a screen time of 115 minutes. Annihilation was made on a budget of $40 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $43 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Alex Garland. Cinematography was done by Rob Hardy and editing by Barney Pilling. The music was composed by Ben Salisbury along with Geoff Barrow.
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Annihilation Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 88%
Keith Garlington
Its unashamedly cerebral and Garland isnt interested in playing by genre rules. ( Read More )
Emma Wolfe
I truly enjoyed every single moment of this film... once you understand what the storys about and the deeper meaning behind Natalie Portmans character. the story is just a beautiful package, beautifully sold. ( Read More )
Mike Massie
The problem Garland introduces, however, comes in the form of contradicting rationalizations in biology and psychology. ( Read More )
Nicholas Oon
Just science fiction at its best. Its got great performances, great color, good music, and more than a few mind blowing reveals. ( Read More )
Jason Adams
There are moments where its reach outdoes its grasp but Ill take that any day over a Transformers movie that just gobbles up everything like a maelstrom of mindless metal shards. ( Read More )