The story revolves around two lovers from different castes who face opposition from their families, an evil moneylender seeking revenge, and a struggle against oppressive societal norms as they strive to be together. Annakodi is a 2013 Indian Tamil-language Drama motion picture starring Lakshman Narayan, Karthika Nair, Manoj Bharathiraja, Manoj Bharatiraaja, Meenal, Renuka and Subiksha. Manoj Creations was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) P Bharathiraja and Sathish Anu. The motion picture is written and directed by P Bharathiraja. Manoj Creations acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Annakodi was released on 28th June 2013. Cinematography was done by Saalai Sahaadevan and editing by K. Pazhanivel. The music was composed by Gv Prakash Kumar along with G. V. Prakash Kumar and Sabesh-murali.
Jini Score 1.8/10
Rating 4.5/10
Jini Score 1.8%
Rating 4.5
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Date28 JUN 2013
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Annakodi Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
To sum up, this melodramatic movie doesnt have a new story to tell and the closing message about love being beyond all such issues like caste, creed and religion is again a really dated thought. ( Read More )