The story depicts the journey of a Nepalese singer who overcame obstacles to achieve his dream but had to face the tragic end of his musical journey due to his illness, leaving behind his legacy to his sons, while exploring themes of love, revenge, and redemption. Acharya is a 2011 Kannada-language Biography Drama motion picture featuring Satya Raj Acharya, Aruna Karki, Sunil Pokhrel and Bipin Karki. Acharya is written by Rick Baraff and directed by Prashant Rasaily. Acharya was released on 23rd September 2011.
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Acharya Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Positive Review Rating : 20%
Instead of giving them moments worthy of the actors fandom, Siva wastes time on elaborate and unexciting exposition. ( Read More )
Despite the presence of Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan and a whole lot of masala elements thrown in, it ends up as a dull film that never takes off. ( Read More )
Having said that, Acharya is an outdated drama with some enjoyable dances and many predictable scenes. ( Read More )
However, theres only so much that Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan can do to salvage this mess. ( Read More )
Goosebumps 1st half Boss screen presenceMusic Visuals #Acharya ANI (@ANI) Apr 29, 2022 #Acharya Overall a low grade 1st half with a slightly better but still outdated 2nd half! ( Read More )